Mary Kom Plans To Hang Up Her Gloves, After Winning The Asian Games Medal.

MC Mary Kom, the six-time world champion boxer, has been a household name in India and around the world. Despite being in her late thirties, she continues to defy age and injuries to chase her dreams. In the latest turn of events, Mary suffered an injury during the Commonwealth Games selection trials last year, which required reconstructive surgery to repair her ACL tear. Since then, Mary has been on a race against time to regain her fitness and compete at the highest level before retiring next year.

Mary’s target is to compete in any competition this year before retiring due to the maximum participation age for a boxer being 40 years, and Mary will turn 41 in November. Her biggest target is the Asian Games, which were postponed last year and are now scheduled to be held from September 23 to October 8 this year. Mary aims to recover before the selection process, which requires a boxer to go through an evaluation test in the national camp. If Mary wins the Asian Games, she will have earned a quota for the Paris Games, where she will not be eligible to participate due to her age.

The Boxing Federation of India (BFI) President, Ajay Singh, has stated that they will fully support Mary’s recovery process and her desire to box again. Despite her injury, Mary is still considered a legend in the sport and has been appointed as the brand ambassador for the upcoming World Championship, which will be held in India. Mary hopes the Indian contingent can bag three gold medals at home, and the BFI has announced hefty prize money for the tournament, with the gold medallist set to get USD 100,000, silver-medal winner USD 50,000, and bronze medallist USD 25,000.

Mary’s announcement of a comeback must be taken with a grain of salt due to her age. The International Boxing Federation’s competition rules state that the upper limit for an ‘elite boxer’ is the age of 40. Mary’s Rajya Sabha bio-data page states that her birthday is March 1, 1983. However, the IBA rules are unclear on whether an athlete’s retirement age is 40 or after the end of the 40th year. Mary is eligible to take part in international tournaments and the Asian Games if an elite boxer can participate in competitions in their 40th year.

Mary admitted that she wanted to box for another five years, but couldn’t due to the rules in place. If Mary were to compete at the Olympics, she would need special permission from the IBA president, which she joked about during her interview. Despite the uncertainty of her future in the sport, Mary remains focused on her recovery and her desire to inspire young boxers in India and around the world.

Mary’s journey to becoming one of the greatest boxers of all time has been filled with ups and downs. She started her career in 2000 and won her first world championship medal in 2002. Since then, she has gone on to win six world championships, an Olympic bronze medal, and several other accolades. Mary’s success has not come without its share of challenges, including a lack of funding and support for women’s boxing in India.

Mary has been an advocate for women’s boxing in India and has worked tirelessly to improve the conditions for young boxers. She has started her boxing academy in Manipur, where she trains young girls from underprivileged backgrounds. Mary believes that sports can empower women and help them achieve their dreams.

In conclusion, MC Mary Kom is a true inspiration to young boxers and athletes around the world. Despite her age and injuries, she continues to pursue her dreams and has become a symbol of hope and motivation for women  all over the world.